Quilling, keep it rolling!

There are two exciting news that I'm sharing with you all.

I met local artist Mr Gerald Goh during SBC Biodiversity Day. Mr Goh is also the managing director of Sarakraf. He was invited as one of the judges for the colouring and also pottery colouring contests. His children were with me at the make and take quilling session. While the children were quilling, he was there observing. And he bought a set of quilling tools and some paper supplies from me before he left. He also bought some of my quilling cards. Few days later, he came up with this
A quilled Hornbill. The Hornbill is the symbol of the place that I live in - Sarawak. Sarawak is called the land of Hornbills. So you can see the motifs of hornbills in a lot of our native crafts eg. weaving, wood carving etc. Mr Goh paints with oil paints and acrylic paints. So his creation has some oil painting feeling to it. This is his first piece of quilling work and he didn't even have to sketch before he quill! I guess for some people, it's just in the blood. He told me that he actually quite enjoy the process of rolling, and it's really addictive. He had to forbid himself for bringing it back home (he did the quilling at his centre).
He has also set up a quilling corner in the Colonial Chinese Museum Gallery in his centre. Yeah, those are my quilling cards. Very simple cards but I made them with love.

No 2.
One of my earliest quilling class students is an art student majoring in graphic design. She had chosen paper quilling to work on for her final year project.  Few days ago she told me that her work has been selected for display to public and so I was invited to the exhibition. She actually utilises paper quilling and paper sculpture to illustrate the story of mooncake/mid autumn festival. Furthermore, paper quilling was also incorporated into product packaging design - for the boxes of the mooncakes. 

By the way, we are both admirers of Yulia. Hahaha!
And here's a recent interview of Yulia during her recent and ongoing exhibition in Hong Kong. http://hk.asiatatler.com/culture-lifestyle/arts/interview-yulia-brodskaya
Cheers to quilling!

Note: All the photos were taken with granted permission by the respective artists/quillers. I do not own the artwork copyright of these quillwork.


  1. wow beautiful all your work is beautiful!!
    Greetings Baukje

  2. Hey You must be really happy n proud too !

  3. He really did a great job on the picture, congrats to you !!!!

  4. Awesome to hear such a good news... :)

  5. His quilling is indeed amazing and as you say he is a natural, but you have inspired him and it shows what a good teacher you are.
    I love you to take a look at my latest piece and tell me what you think.


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