Quilling Demo

I was invited to do a sharing session yesterday at one of the biggest local bookstores in my hometown -Kuching, a city on the north east of Borneo island. The sharing session was conducted in an open area in one of the corners of the bookstore. I prepared a slide presentation entitled 'Quilling: Ancient Craft, Modern Art' and also a short demo. This is the flyer the bookstore did. I'm right at the bottom.

Although the bookstore was crowded with people since it was a Saturday afternoon, there were not that many audience who really sat down and followed through the one hour session (unlike demo-ing to a more focused group of audience). I had people leaving half way, and also people who turned out only for the demo. There were also many who happened to pass by, stopped for a while to listen and then moved on. Anyhow, I think it's a good start. At least now there are some who are aware that there's this paper art called 'quilling' that uses strips of paper to form intricate designs.

During the presentation, I started off with introduction to quilling and some brief history of quilling. I showed them the year 1780 tea caddies photo from Ann Martin's blog and also Gile's Coat of Arm taken from Quilling- Techniques and Inspiration authored by Jane Jenkins. I got the permission to use these photos from them last year while I was looking for photos of antique quilling work.  

That's Philippa's quilled butterfly in the introduction part.

The Cell Theory states that 'cells are the basic unit of life', so I came up with the 'Coil Theory' which says 'coils are the basic unit of quilling'. That's why you see a picture of cells alongside the picture of coils. Hahaha! 
That's Ann Martin's quilled paperweight on the right when I talked about the modern use of quilling. I also showed them her quilled marriage certificates.
That's Cheryl's nativity set when I talked about quilling: art Vs craft. I also showed them Philippa's quilled rose pin brooch, Ann's quilled pendant and rings of key. When I told the audience that all those are made of paper, they all gave me a 'how can that be possible' look.
What do you need to start quilling?
Demo on how to quill using a slotted tool.
How to pinch coils into shapes.
Even the staff of the bookstore also came to join us!
Some hands-on.
And little giveaway for audience who answered my quilling questions correctly.

My heartfelt gratitude to Philippa & Cheryl for their permissions to use their quillwork in my presentation. Thanks a lot for the extra effort of sending me the photos! Appreciation goes also to Ann Martin's for her permission to use photos of her quillwork from her blog and also Jane Jenkins for letting me use the picture from her book.


  1. Lulu - I was so excited to read about this! Well done!! It looks like you put together a very professional presentation, and if even one or two people have come away inspired, all your efforts will have been worthwhile. Congratulations.

  2. Thanks! I myself was kinda nervous in the beginning but it got better towards the end. I prepared about 40 slides for the sharing, there's also one part that showcased Yulia's artwork besides those mentioned above.

  3. Wow! Lulu, you're fantastic. I'll lost my mind if I conduct a public presentation. Bravo!

  4. I agree with Philippa...your presentation looked professional and well done. It is a thrill to see my little nativity on the big screen. Thanks for including me :)

    ~ cheryl

  5. What a lovely job you did! The audience looks like it was paying very close attention. Thanks so much for including my images in the presentation.


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