Quilled monogram

This is my first attempt quilling a monogram. It's a birthday gift for my best pal. She requested for the word 'LOVE' and I came up with this

I love Yulia's work a lot and try to quill something that has a bit of her 'essence' but I find it difficult working with quilling strips for the alphabets. And also it's not easy to produce nice curves and swirls as I want them to be. I wonder is it due to the weight of paper that I used?


  1. Your friend will love it! I think paper that's heavier than normal quilling paper works better for Yulia-style designs. At least what I discovered when doing an on-edge design recently.

  2. beautiful I love you work!
    Greetings Baukje

  3. Philippa & Baukje: Thanks! ^^
    Ann: I see. Thanks for the advice.

  4. Beautiful! One would never guess you had any issues at all creating this. Very lovely!

  5. oooh wooow...so sweet and adorable..


  6. Its simply beautiful. I made an attempt to recreate this beautiful art work of yours.Gifted it to my husband for this valentine's day. He loved it:). Thanks a lot for the idea.
    I found it really hard making the alphabets with paper strips. Wanted to show you my piece of work to get some feedback and tips on how to improve on my quilling skills. I just browsed through all your quilling work.Simply amazing. Do you have any email address so that I could send a picture of my work?

    1. thanks for the compliments! you could email me at maxiangru@gmail.com

  7. However, my piece of work is not anywhere close to the beauty of your work.


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